Floodplain Program Compliance
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for every community in the nation. FEMA has set regulations and guidelines for communities permitting development within floodplains throughout the United State of America.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the program administered by FEMA to provide assistance to property owners who have constructed within areas subject to a high probability of flooding. Those eligible for assistance must obtain flood insurance from the federal government (through a private insurance agent). Residents whose property is not identified as being within a floodplain (identified on the NFIP maps dated August 2008) are not eligible for flood insurance. The NFIP is regionally administered by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation which is responsible for ensuring that each municipality within its regions are making every effort to comply with federal requirements for minimizing development with in federally designated floodplains. The NYSDEC provides technical and educational assistance to municipalities to ensure local officials are kept abreast of floodproofing measures, new legislation regarding the NFIP and assessment of each communities’ effort to mitigate flood hazards.
The NFIP is locally administered by Town of Chili. The Commissioner of Public Works serves as the Floodplain Management Officer. All NFIP maps and information regarding floodplain management and requirements for development in the town’s floodplains may be obtained at the Department of Public Works and are covered in Section 277 – Flood Damage Prevention of the Town Code.
The town discourages the granting of any variances for new development in prohibited areas and all development within any area of Special Hazard Flood is required to obtain a Floodplain Development Permit prior to any work and be in compliance with Section 277 of the Town Code of the Town of Chili titled “Flood Damage Prevention”. Permit form are available in the Building Department at the Town Hall.