The Town of Chili is providing notice that union Square Blvd will be closed for utility work at a point between Union Street and Moreland Trail.
Date of Closure: July 7, 2021 from 7am to 7pm.
Detour will be posted.
The Town of Chili is providing notice that union Square Blvd will be closed for utility work at a point between Union Street and Moreland Trail.
Date of Closure: July 7, 2021 from 7am to 7pm.
Detour will be posted.
What better way to forget about the cold and snow than to start preparing for spring! The Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District has released their spring 2021 species list for their annual Conservation Tree & Shrub program. For 45 years, the District has hosted this successful program, with almost 16,000 native and naturalized trees and shrubs being distributed to landowners last year alone!
With 23 different species including hardwoods, bare-root conifers, shrubs, wildflowers, and variety packs, The District is doing their part is making our communities green. Don’t want to miss out on getting your species – be
sure to pre-order them, along with other products great for conservation projects including bat and bluebird houses, seed mixes, and more!
The District added 4 new tree and shrubs, plus several new mixes! Our new items are all showy, beautiful trees and shrubs, sure to liven up your yard and attract a variety of wildlife! This year we are offering Red Maple, Yellow Birch, Balsam Fir, and Steeplebush. All native, these species produce wildlife-attracting fruit and flowers, provide quite the fall scenery with their stunning foliage, and can be used for various home projects like furniture and holiday trees. By planting these native plants you can increase wildlife habitat, provide a windbreak (see our conifers), reduce erosion, and help create habitat for pollinators! Check out all the benefits of these and our other selections by visiting our website catalog found at:
The Conservation Tree & Shrub Program is a pre-order program with a deadline for ordering on March 5, 2021. We have a limited availability for plant stock so in order to ensure we can meet your needs, please order early! We offer mail-in, email, and online ordering. The distribution of the plant material will occur at the Monroe County ecopark on April 22-23, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We will also hold a first come, first serve overstock sale on April 24, 2021 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. where you can come in and purchase trees without having to preorder.
Please note that many of our tree species come as young, small rooted clumps – we do not sell full grown trees. Once planted the small seedlings should take to the soil and grow leaves once spring arrives. This year, three of the conifers we are offering are transplants, meaning they are stronger and more mature when you plant them!
Those interested in this program can find the order form and our full color catalog on the District’s website: If you have any questions or you’d like a form sent to you, contact the Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District at: (585) 753-7380, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
The Town of Chili has NOT APPROVED ANY door to Door solicitation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Once the State approves such activity and issues safe guidelines I will post such. Once approved you can find a list of approved solicitors on the Town Clerks Web page.
Beginning June 7, 2021 the Town of Chili will begin Summer hours for all offices, and will remain on Summer hours until Labor Day September 3, 2021.
During this time, offices will be open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 5pm. Friday hours will be from 9am to 12 noon.
Pursuant to Section 271 of Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Chili Planning Board at the Chili Town Offices, 3333 Chili Avenue, Rochester New York 14624 on May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. At such time all interested persons will be heard. By order of the Chairman of the Chili Planning Board.
In an order to comply with the Executive Orders of the Governor of the State of New York, the public will not be allowed to attend this meeting in person. The public is invited to watch, and participate, via a live feed of the meeting on the Town’s YouTube channel. When commenting state name, address, and the application to which you are commenting on. Comments will be taken when public hearing is opened for that particular application.
We have set up a live camera that displays the ongoing construction of the Chili Community Center. Check it out HERE!
Did you miss the Community Crime Prevention Workshop presented by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department at the Chili Town Hall? The video of the presentation is available HERE.
The presentation wall very informative and well-received by those in attendance. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Supervisor David Dunning at 889-6111 or
Did you miss the excellent presentation on the Eastern Coyote done by Scott Smith of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation? Don’t fret! We have the video of the presentation available HERE!
For more information, visit the NYS DEC website at
The Monroe County Sheriffs Department Crime Prevention Unit is holding an open forum at the Chili Town Hall on June 13, 2019 from 7-9pm.
Discussion topics include the recent criminal activity in our community, and ways to prevent it. Time will be provided for questions and concerns.