820 Scottsville-Chili Rd. – Potter Apple Farm [map]
Potter’s Place Cider Mill is a landmark that stands at the corner of Morgan Road and Scottsville-Chili Rd. The little white stand had a big red apple sign attached to the front and served Chili’s cider and apple needs for many years.
The house, built around 1855 and its outbuildings and stand had been the property of Clayton Potter since 1935 when he purchased the small five acre farm. It had humble beginnings-a small cottage with four rooms: a kitchen, dining area, living room, and one small bedroom. After the purchase Mr. Potter added not only rooms and outbuildings but, also, an apple orchard with over 100 varieties.
A sign hanging in the stand explains what Potter’s Place was all about, “There is no place like this place, anywhere near this place, so this must be the place.”
Potter’s Place is an integral part of the town’s history and a designated landmark home. RJ Schickler Jr. Nursery is the present owner of the property and, keeping with tradition, operates a quaint flower and vegetable operation in one of the outbuildings.